Meridian 59 User's Guide


This chapter is your introduction to the customs and traditions that shape the culture and community of Meridian 59. In the pages that follow, you'll learn how to share information with other citizens through real-time chat, newsglobes, and Meridian Mail. You'll learn about Meridian's social hierarchy, including the important Guild system. And you'll gain a passing aquaintance with some of the land's permanent residents -- friendly and hostile, human and otherwise.

Real-Time Chat

All chat takes place in the Chat Window, located just below the Action Window. Here, you can read and respond to anything said by anyone standing within earshot around you; receive broadcasted messages from other parts of Meridian 59; engage permanent residents in conversation; and get status reports on your own health and well-being, as well as that of others.

Sending A Message

You type your messages in the text line, located just under the Chat Window. To send a message, type in the one-word command that indicates what kind of message you're sending, followed by the message itself. When your message is done, press Enter to send it. The possible commands are:

  • Say -- The message will be heard by everyone in your general vicinity. For example, if your character name is Lorien, type:

    say hello

    and press Enter. Everyone around you will see this message appear on their screens:

    Lorien says "hello."

    While the Action Window is live, you can simply type an apostrophe (') instead of the word "say" and type your message:

    ' hello

  • Yell -- This works just like Say, but the message is delivered with more emphasis, and over a wider distance. If you type:

    yell HELP! I'm being devoured by baby spiders!

    Everyone around you for quite some distance will see this message on their screens:

    Lorien yells "HELP! I'm being devoured by baby spiders!"

    As you might expect, a yell can be heard by people who are too far away to hear your more conversational voice.

    The shortcut command for Yell is an exclamation point:

    ! Help! I'm being devoured by baby spiders!

  • Tell (one person only) -- The tell command lets you address your comment to a specific person, or group of people. Either way, your message will be heard only by those you have named. For example, if you type:

    Tell Max you're blocking the doorway.

    Max (and only Max) will see this message:

    Lorien tells you, "you're blocking the doorway."

    As a shortcut, you can simply type a period (.) instead of the word "tell:"

    . Max, you're blocking the doorway.

    Tell (one person with two- or three-word name) -- If the intended recipient has a two- or three-word name, you only need to type enough of the name to identify the person you're talking to. For example, to send a message to Jane Grey, you probably only need to type "Jane," unless there's also a Jane Austen in the area. (In this case, "Jane G" should get the message to her.) If the first word of a name is very common -- say, Lady Jane Grey -- you will probably need to type all three words to ensure delivery.

Caution.GIF - 2.6 KWhenever you type a name that includes a word space, be sure to put quotes around the name:

tell "Lady Jane Grey" I found your fan.

  • Tell (talking to a selected group) -- When you create a group (more about how to do this later), you give it a name. To send your message to everyone in a group called Thorin, type:

    Tell Thorin let's meet at the fountain in Tos.

    Now, everyone in the group you've created called Thorin -- whether it's two people or twenty, and no matter where they are in Meridian 59 -- sees the message:

    Lorien sends "let's meet at the fountain in Tos."

  • Broadcast -- This command sends the message to everyone who is currently present on your Meridian 59 server -- the yell heard 'round the world, as it were. If you type:

    Broadcast I'm auctioning off chain mail armor in the Barloque Inn in 10 minutes.

    Everyone now logged onto the same server you are will see:

    Lorien broadcasts, "I'm auctioning off a chain mail armor in the Barloque Inn in 10 minutes."

    Broadcasting is the equivalent of shouting very loudly. It's a major physical effort, so every time you broadcast, you deplete half your maximum mana points. Most Meridian citizens regard broadcasts as a rude intrusion,and will not appreciate your message unless it is of very great general interest or urgency.

    Emote -- With this command, you can convey to others that your character is taking some action. To use it, type emote, followed by the action:

    emote bows deeply.

    and press Enter. Everyone around you now sees this message:

    Lorien bows deeply.

    There are a lot of creative ways to use this command!

The 3DO Company Meridian 59 User's Guide - 19 Aug 1996

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